Offering Private Wellness, Beauty and Business Packages For Artists, Employees and Entrepreneurs.


UCAN Mentors ARTISTS To Become Successful Entrepreneurs

by helping them Create, Brand and Launch their business. Whether you’re selling a product or offering a service, Create, Brand and Launch is included with every Membership. We have a specialized team that provides state of the ART Web Design Services, film and video production services for our Members to help create, brand and launch their businesses.

Brooke Chestnut

Soul Movement & MBS Director

Christina Hart

UCAN Founder & Director

Kirk Anderson

Studio Pimp

Dawn Carroll

Advocacy & Program Director

Sterling Williams

Web Designer/Graphic Artist

Daniella Maca

Movement Specialist

The Story Of How UCAN Began

The hot, stuffy, overcrowded trailer in Texas is what I called home back in 1975. I was only 9 years old when it happened, but I can remember it as if it was yesterday. A terrifying lighting strike suddenly covered the night’s sky. I could see from my bedroom window the flashes of color, red, then blue, then purple. Followed by the boom of the thunder. I felt a strange crackle as if it went through my whole body, from head to toe.

Then only darkness as I lay frozen in fear. Suddenly I heard terror in my mother’s voice as she cried out to me, “Chrissy come here!” I slowly creeped out to find a gloomy and cloudy kitchen. My mother was huddled on the floor, under the small table, with a Bible in her hands. “The end is coming! Come here and sit with me. Armageddon is here!” Her voice trembled as she quoted verse after verse. That’s when I noticed a large stack of canned foods behind her. “The world is going to be destroyed!” she repeated, “The END is here!”

At the age of 9, I knew nothing about a “cult”, nor did I know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. I certainly didn’t comprehend that my mother was in one, or that I was in one with her. I knew we lived our lives very differently than the people around us. We didn’t celebrate birthdays or other holidays like Christmas. My experiences from the age of 5 until that night, were strongly rooted in FEAR.

My mother repeatedly voiced to me “If you do not obey God, you will be destroyed in Armageddon!” and “You Will NOT live to see the new Earth with others who will be saved.” This horror went on for years, condemnation and fear ran through my life. Until that day, when I was 16 years old. I found the courage to leave that life, my mother, and the cult.

This one decision to leave, to take action, despite all my fears, had changed my life and was my first step to true freedom. From a young age, I was taught that God was powerful and almighty and He could destroy me. FEAR was deeply embedded in my psyche and I saw no hope of being truly free.

My father was not around, my mother was in a cult, and I was an only child. I was alone and abandoned. I was always afraid and felt unloved. I even thought that God did not love me, and that He was a punishing force to be feared!
I was consistently told, “You CAN’T.” “You CAN’T color Santa Claus pictures with your class, You CAN’T celebrate birthdays, You CAN’T have Christmas, You CAN’T hang out with those worldly friends from school. No, you CAN’T dance.”

I was even put in a dark room with the cult leaders who read the Bible to me and accused me of fornication when they found out I had kissed a boy on the cheek. I sat in the chair like stone, while my heart’s voice sprung up from within me like a natural spring, saying; “Christina, this is not coming from a place of love.”

That one voice was my saving grace! It propelled me forward to leave the cult. It was that voice that took me out of other abusive relationships later on. It’s what I call (IGS) Internal Guidance System. In simple terms, it’s simply the “voice” of your heart. I sometimes refer to this as my inner “windmill.”

Even darker secrets were revealed to me as I got older. However, today, I can truly say, I am grateful for those experiences, including ones I have not yet revealed. They have propelled me to become the strong free woman I am today. I value now more than ever freedom of creativity and movement and especially dance.

My past has inspired me to help others break free from ANY and ALL obstacles that may be holding them back from creating true change in their lives. Including the voice in the head that says “You Can’t”.

I teach that true change begins by listening to your heart, making a decision to commit, and by taking action. It is my soul’s purpose to inspire true passion and purpose in life and help others find true passion and purpose in life.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, domestic violence has increased by 30%. More and more individuals are leaving their jobs and desiring to start a new business. FEAR & UNCERTAINTY has become the new normal.

Many people look towards the future for solutions. What a perfect time for self discovery.
I am grateful to have developed a non-profit organization called UCAN (Universal Creative Artist Network.) that will help educate and support both ARTIST, parents and children who do not have access to funds, mentors, or opportunities to discover their passion and exercise their gifts and talents.

I believe and hope UCAN will help guide and pave the way to turn artist passions into sustainable businesses. Providing a solution for this generation to embrace their passions and goals. To follow your own voice within and discover the joy that comes from doing what you love, and loving what you do.

It is my heart’s desire that UCAN will contribute to the solution of the economic dilemma by helping those seeking a change to “Create, Brand and Launch” their online business.

Passion & Purpose>Create>Brand>Launch>Stabilization>Grow>Expand 10x>Abundance for Life>Pay it Forward

“It Is My Heart’s Desire To Generate Global Impact with UCAN.” 

  • UCAN-crew-shoot-promo-layers-drop-shadow-red-white-blue

You Can Make a Difference Right Now

We send our heartfelt appreciation to you for your contribution and support.

Your monthly recurring support will provide opportunities through scholarships, training, classes, wellness, and will sponsor one artist or entrepreneur to Create, Brand and Launch their passion into a thriving business.

These services are for those who otherwise may not have a place to flourish. They will benefit our communities and our economy.

Together we can provide a loving and creative environment for our community, which we need now more than ever. Your 100% tax-deductible donation will go directly to provide hope, most assuredly when people need it the most.

Thank you for your support! 

The UCAN Team